Cadden Quorum offers you:
- A proven and highly effective system
- Affordability
- Ease of use
- Accurate results delivered during your meeting, quickly.
Don’t Let that Important Amendment Languish.
Not only has Cadden Quorum successfully canvassed multiple communities’ annual elections over the past few years, it drove the adoption of a bylaws amendment for a community that had tried at least three times but could never encourage enough participation. Through targeted, attractive communication and a fast and easy online balloting system that uses multiple facilities to secure the vote, we can help your association reach its goals while meeting its legal requirements. We work with you to help your neighbors to understand the measures on the ballot, to see the value the measures offer, and to give just a few moments of their precious time to participate for the good of the neighborhood.
Conduct this Year’s Election Safely and Remotely.
Don’t place a nominating or election committee at risk from working in close proximity or from handling paper ballots. Instead, accept your neighbors’ input into your community through devices they already own, and automatically display the results in a clear, concise readout that works equally well presented in a teleconference or, once we get back to normal, on a projection screen in a meeting room. Cadden Quorum is perfect for this year, and for years ahead. In fact, we have found that removing a return trip to the mailbox from the equation actually encourages more neighbors to participate in the process.
- Cadden Quorum with USPS Service:
- 1 mailed packet at the outset*
- Up to three email campaigns** (Board may decide not to send second or third campaign after reaching quorum if further participation is unlikely and additional emails would be regarded as spam)
- 1 postcard*
For up to 500 lots: $425 *** For each block of 100 additional lots: $50
- Cadden Quorum email only:
- Up to three email campaigns** (Board may decide not to send second or third campaign after reaching quorum if further participation is unlikely and additional emails would be regarded as spam)
For up to 125 lots: $250 For up to 250 lots: $300 For each block of 100 additional lots: $50
*For all pricing structures, additional postal campaigns are $50 each.
**For all pricing structures, additional email campaigns are $30 each.
***For all pricing structures, postage and stationery is not included, and will be billed at the current market rates.