Vistoso Hills
Contact Information
Vistoso Hills Office
Vistoso Hills
Oro Valley, AZ 85755
Community Association Manager
Grace Fernandez
Cadden Community Management
Main Office
5225 West Massingale RoadTucson, AZ 85743
Tel: 520-297-0797
Fax: 520-742-2618
Customer Service Fax: 520-293-3613
Emergency Line
For after hours assistance please call:

Upcoming Events
Board of Directors Meeting
The Board of Director Meetings are held quarterly and may be scheduled with proper notice as needed to discuss, or act on HOA business. Meeting dates can be accessed via the Vistoso Hills website
3/21 at 9:00am (Clubhouse)
Please contact the Community Association Manager for the login information (contact information above).
Executive Session
The Board of Directors meeting will be adjourned and will go into a closed Executive Session permitted by law for legal advice personal health or financial information of an owner/member, employee, etc. and legal advice owner/member appeal or penalty.
Annual Meeting
The Annual meeting is scheduled for March of each year at 9:00 AM using GoToMeeting. Information will be sent to the owners in a separate mailing.
Please contact the Community Association Manager for the login information (contact information above).
Community Website
The community Board of Directors maintains a separate website
This is not maintained by Cadden Community Management. Please contact the Board members for any changes.